Moon Knight – Extended Preview

Special thanks to Disney for providing early access to Moon Knight, episodes 1-4.

Marvel’s Moon Knight is the latest entry in the ever-growing Marvel Cinematic Universe and takes us into the life of Steven Grant and Marc Spector. Both are played by Oscar Isaac, with Marc serving as the Avatar for the Egyptian god Khonshu. The series serves as an action-thriller as we unravel the mystery behind Steven’s dual identities and his connection with our antagonist, Arthur Harrow, played by Ethan Hawke.

Without getting into major spoilers, Moon Knight is about mild-mannered gift shop employee, Steven Grant, as he tries to overcome his Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). While the series does have its fair share of violence and action, it’s mostly exploring the titular character(s). The story is rooted in Egyptian mythology, and we discover what it truly means to be the moon god’s Avatar. The viewer gets swept away as we learn more about Steven, Marc, Khonshu, and Layla (May Calamawy.) 

Oscar Isaac has the unbelievable task of playing both Steven and Marc, but he somehow manages to make them distinctly different characters. This entire show is dependent on him carrying the series, and he delivered a stellar performance. Acting opposite yourself is no easy feat, but you honestly never even think about it. He’s that seamless. The entire cast is truly phenomenal. May Calamawy and Ethan Hawke are fantastic and help flesh out this supporting cast and world. Speaking of which, let’s talk about Marvel Studios and this world they’ve been crafting for the last decade.

Moon Knight is the first Marvel+ show about an entirely new character. There are no ties to the Avengers, SHIELD, or SWORD. We meet Steven Grant in episode one, and the show has to hook you from there. This allows the creative team to have a completely different tone and overall vibe separate from the Avengers or Guardians of the Galaxy. I honestly forgot I was watching a Marvel Studios production until the logo and fanfare started at the beginning of the next episode. By breaking loose of those Marvel ties, Moon Knight is able to create its own world where you aren’t thinking about infinity stones or the next big cameo. Steven and Marc’s journey is the sole focus.

Moon Knight brings something new to the MCU. A darker, violent, and intense tone we haven’t really seen before. Oscar Isaac is incredible, the story is intriguing, and the action is brutal. Do yourself a favor and watch Moon Knight as soon as you can. You won’t regret it. 

Moon Knight Premieres on Disney+ March 30th, 2022.






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